Reflexology and Chakras

This subject Reflexology and Chakras has come at a time, when I’m about to turn 50 years old. I didn’t reflect on that until now.

My brother and Sister in-love gifted me a full body massage for my birthday. Now, for me this is something special because believe it or not, I have never had it done. I think the thought of someone’s hands on my body kinda was a turn-off

FAst forward to today, I was taken out of my comfort zone, and I loved it.

An Experience with Reflexology

Ok, so picture walking into a hall that is not dark, but coming in from the outside gave it that appearance. Once, inside the lights were a silhouette of Green lighting. The music gave it a relaxing vibe.

My mother and I were told to go into this area that was set up in such an aesthetic manner, that I could feel the energy in the atmosphere,

I was nervous when the guy said to undress from the top down, but in my mind, I kept saying stay open-minded.

He comes back and tells me to lye down on the table on my back first. I comply and stare at the ceiling and focus on the lights and music.

As he starts his message I remind myself to relax. He started with my temples and worked himself down all the while I was meditating and feeling the energy releasing from his hand throughout my body.

As he worked on my feet, He was pressing all of the right pressure points (which is called Reflexology). Now, mind you before I came in my lower back and sciatic nerve was giving my problems.


He went as far as to take my fingers and stretch each digit while elongating my arms to stretch them. Oh my goodness who would have thought that was a thing.

I haven’t mentioned the torso yet. He worked on my upper and lower back along with my thighs front and back. For a minute there I thought I was in a fight. He was kneading my back so firmly it almost hurt, but after I relaxed it was amazing.

Part of the time he was messaging me, I was meditating. That allowed my body to relax and my mind to go numb. I was looking for that spiritual connection.

I understand that My Chakras are off in my body and prior to this visit I didn’t know that it was that bad. Like I mentioned before the transmission of the energy from his hands to my body was energizing.



The study of Reflexology healing therapy is dated back to ancient Egyptians. Our feet have over 7,000 nerve endings that connect to the rest of our body along with the reflex points that correspond to multiple parts of the anatomy,

The feet represent a map of the complete body. Skilled pressure of the reflex points and different areas on the feet can help to relieve physical symptoms and stimulate the effective functioning of organs, joints and vital body systems. 

Professionals are trained to detect tension and imbalances in the feet which correspond to a particular part of the body.  Through their studies and experiences, the detection of tension as it is related to our chakras is easy to detect, hence the reason, I felt so good after my massage. Positive energy flow is immediately restored, Continuous therapies such as this can become a good preventative measure.


First lets start off with what is a chakra? Chakras are energy centers in our body that helps regulate all of its processes like organ function, emotions as well as our immune system.

A notable mention that there are 12 Chakras strategically position throughout our bodies. I’m only going to mention 7. Each chakras has its own vibrational frequency and has a specific colors that governs the bodily functions that help make us human.

The Crown Chakra


7. Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head and is represented by a purple or violet and white color. This chakra helps us with our beliefs and visions. It keeps us in touch with our true passions and life purposes.

An example of that is being in a career that you no longer love. The Crown Chakra will help you find the courage to let go of what you no longer love to do and go after those things you were born to do.

An imbalance of the above chakra look likes you are detached from your surroundings. You can’t communicate with your family or have any creative thoughts,

If it’s broken meditation almost always will get you back in touch with your conciencous. All you have to do is picture a purple and white petal as your focal point,


Third Eye Chakra

6. The Third Eye Chakra is on the forehead right smack dab between the eyebrows. It is represented by a bluish white hue or indigo. This Chakra is responsible for intuition and insight and driven by openness and imagination

An example of this imbalance is not being able to see past your daily problems and vocus on the vision you have set forth for yourself, or better yet not being able to realize a vision at all. It comes down to a lack of clarity and rejecting everything spiritual or anything other than usual.

Again meditation is the key to rediscovering the Third Eye. Silence is important to hearing what you can’t hear when there is so much noise and distractions in your environment.


Throat Chakra

5. The throat chakra is located at the center of the neck right at the level of the throat and is represented with the color blue turquoise or aquamarine blue. It serves as the funnel for energy between the lower parts of the body and the head. This chakra is the the catalyst that drives expression and communication.

an example of this chakra being off is the lack of control over your speech. Meaning speaking too much or not at the right time. Another key abnormality of this chakra is not being able to listen to others along with telling lies and not being able to keep your word. However on the other hand there can be a secretivenss or shyness with a lack of connection.


A couple of key points to fixing this chakra is keep hydrated, it cleanses the throat allowing the healthy energy flow.

Eating more fruit like apples lemons, limes as well as peaches to to cleanse and acxtivate the throat

Believe it or not aromatherapy can help. The smells of jasmine, rosemary as well as sandlewood can activate the energy center.

Another good exercise is just be honest and open with family and friends with heartfelt words can strengthen your throat chakra.

These popular activities can help with this chakra: journaling and singing along with humming can help activate the imbalance.

Last but not least LET IT GO. Stop holding on to things you have no control over. This behavior sets up resentment, anger and guilt. Hence, creating an imbalance,


Heart Chakra – Grunge

4. The Heart Chakra is located in the middle of the chest just slightly left of the actual organ. This chakra is represented by the color Green, but in higher frequencies, it can show as pink. The principles of transformation and integration is the basis of this chakra is to bridge earthly and spiritual aspirations

When this chakra is not functioning properly there will difficulty with your relationship with others. There are significant signs such as jealousy, antisociable, holding grudges, feeling closed down as well as depending on others approval.

On a physical level it can manifest as lung infection, bronchitis as well as heart related issues.

However, there are several ways to strengthen this chakra. First off practice self love or self care. for intance, take a long hot bath in essential oils along with stretching your muscles. Another practice is mending old wounds in your heart. Express gratitude.


Solar Plexus Chakra

3. This Chakra is located between the navel and lower part of the chest. Which is connected to the digestive system. The color yellow or deep yellow depending on the frequency is how this chakra is represented. Consider this the energy source, that fuels your personal power as well as self esteem.

When this chakra is not intact all hell break loose in your life. The ability to be in control of your life dwindles along with your self esteem. not to mention that there will be Controlling, intolerant, or excessively competitive behavior.

More physical symptoms include: Stomach ulcers, indigestion, diabetes, eating disorders and other illnesses tied to the digestive system can also be symptoms of an unbalanced solar plexus chakra.

The easiest way to heal this chakra is to, simply get outsid. Meditating or doing yoga outdoors on sunny days will maximize your healing practice, but simply going outside for a walk or doing a little sunbathing will help open your solar plexus chakra.

Sacral Chakra

Sacral Chakra

2. Sacral Chakra is housed 3 inches below the navel and at the center of your lower belly. When viewed in the back it is located at the level of the vetebrae. The color that represents this chakra is orange and represents water. This chakra is the real of our emotions. The sacral chakra is associated with the realm of emotions. It’s the center of our feelings and sensations. It’s particularly active in our sexuality and the expression of our sensus

This chakra is very important with emotional relationships. When there is an imbalance it shows up as looking like you are being ruled by your emotions along with over indulgence and or fantasies. Feeling detached and rigid in your routine to the point you’re unable ride out life’s ups and downs can be exspected.

Regularly meditating on the sacral chakra and/or the color orange can also help clear negativity and restore balance to the energy center. In addition to adopting healthy lifestyle changes, such as a healthy diet and regular exercise, incorporating some form of energy healing can be beneficial for restoring balance to the sacral chakra.

Root Chakra

Root Chakra

1. Last but not least the first Chakra is the Root Chakra. Located at the base of the spine and is represented by a vermillion red. Dont be mislead, this chakra provides the foundation on which we build our life. It supports us in growing and feeling safe into exploring all the aspects of life.

When this chakra is off it effects us at the emtional level by way of feeling secure. So to compensate you will see excessive negativity, cynicism, eating disorders, greed as well a living in a constant survival mode.

Fixing this chakra will take some strategic work. Changing your lifestyle, For example, you can engage more in grounding and earth-related activities (for example, connection with nature, gardening, cooking healthy, hiking). The main idea for a correction is working at growing your roots in a comfortable and safe environment,


Chi is decribed as an universal energy or VITAL LIFE FORCE ENERGY.

Every living thing on this earth is made up of energy and is vibrating on different frequencies,

Yes, we get energy from from physical movement or nourshment, That energy that we recieve flows through our pathways known as CHAKRAS,

the energy that flows through the Chakra’s is the energy of life also known as a balance of Yin and Yang (positive and negative elecromagnetic energy that flows through every life form).

More about CHI

Chi can also be described as a continous flux of energy going from one aspect of chi to another. So what that means is, it is never destroyed it just changes as its manifested.

There are different energy sources that we get that coincides and flows through certain chakras. Such as the Heaven and Earth CHI. The earth Chi comes from nature ( lakes, mountains, oceans, rivers as well as trees). The heaven CHi is strictly taken in in the breath.

We have chi flowing throughout our whole entire body. This includes our vital organs. The energy that we recieved is based on our environment as a whole. And through proper diet, exercise, and meditation the energy that we recieve can flow through all of the chakras and give you a overall feel of peace, calm and healthy living.

Harmonious, balanced and free-flowing chi results in health while stagnant, blocked or imbalanced chi leads to disease.

How do we fix the imbalance

So nurturing energy through CHI KUNG can be grown and harnessed for our benefit.

Stretching techniques, breathing exercises, gentle movements, yoga along with meditation promotes healing, harmony and more over a sense of inner joy.

Healing Sounds and Meditative Techniques all help to cultivate and purify chi energy. This enables us to build strong foundations, root stability and support for ourselves which, in turn, will then enable us to more easily cultivate and hold chi energy, so that ultimately, we will become a powerful conduit for Spiritual Light.

With the practice of those techniques on a daily basis we can learn how to stay on a higher frequency and enjoy all of the pleasures of life.

Believe it or not our environment and the doses of radiation that we are recieving is blocking the good energy from flowing through our bodies. The energy from the radiation is foreign to our bodies and hence sets up sickness and disease. There is no longer pure CHi flowing through our bodies,


Ok, so you have read about how the energy flows through our body as well as how we recieve it and cultivate it. The missing piece is how to limit the amount radiation that your body consumes.

We are exsposed to extremely low frequency radiation as well as radio frequency, this is emitted from our cell phones almost everyday.

The effects from the radiation ranges from the inability of our cells to repair themselves, fragmented DNA as well as a precursor to cancer,

Other effects include rashes, neurological and behavioral effects, effects on fertility.

How the CHi O Jewlery is made.

CHI O JEwelry

Oh be ready to get back to a good state of health. I found a company that makes jewelry that absorbs the negative energy so that you can restore your natural state of flow.

This will help give you back that Yin and Yang flow.

Get a jump start with adding good and natural energy via nutrition. We all need help with sleep, brain clarity, hair growth as well as healthy skin and nails.

There is so many toxins in our environmnet, This all natural Biohacking system will no doubt help with meditation and mood as well as detoxing. Come and see what the hype is about.

Top 10 Best Ways to Lose Weight

So over time, I had been searching for weight loss solutions. I have collected the top 10 best ways to lose weight.

As most people get older they tend to get less active. With the decrease of activity comes the slowing of our metabolism, which causes weight gain.

There are a dozen of weight loss remedies on the market that are placebos. The promise of losing weight without exercise or changing your diet is not a thing. Let’s begin.


The easiest way to lose weight has made number 10 and that is eating smaller portions. When you eat smaller portions more frequently it jump-starts your metabolism.


The next easiest way is to choose better food options. Although you are going to eat a smaller portion it is always good practice to incorporate fruits and vegetables with colors. Green Fruits and Vegetables Boost the Immune System while restoring energy and vitality as well as detoxifying the body.

Blue and Purple Fruits and Vegetables get rid of unwanted inflammation, fight cancer along with Help Keeping You Young.

White and Brown Fruits and Vegetables help keep bones strong and also have some properties that Protect Against Certain Cancers, and moreover are A Heart-Healthy Choice.


Another easy way to lose weight is to chew your food more slowly. This allows your digestive system to work more effectively, the craving for more food decreases as well as not stretching your stomach.


Surprisingly building muscle is one of the most popular ways to lose weight. The process of muscle building (working out) burns calories which in turn burns fat. When that happens you actually burn fat while you are sleeping.


Ride to work if you can. This is good for your cardiovascular system not to mention the calories that you will burn. Another caveat to that is the fresh air and sun is good for your overall well-being.


How about keeping a food diary. This allows you to be aware of the food groups that you are eating as well as allowing you to control for intake of the bad stuff.


Another popular way to burn calories and lose fat is interval training. That means that you mix up the speeds when you are running. run fast for a period, slow it down and rest and start it over again. This works your heart a little harder and burns burn burns.


In addition to interval training, there are other aerobic exercises that can be incorporated. Squats, arm lifts, and leg lift in reps of 10 done in fast succession.


So if you are a snacker instead of eating potato chips and cupcakes, choose a healthier option. Such as carrots, celery as well as cheese.


Last but not least BIOHACKING. Biohacking is a form of changing your body’s biology to a healthier state. As we age we lose the necessary properties for our liver to fully function as well as collagen and sleep. To replace all of those elements is as easy as a 5 second snap everyday. What if I was to tell you that if you add this biohacking product to your regimine, the results will be amazing. This is a 90 day program that will yield results.

My Journey Through 2021

My journey through 2021 has been amazing. I started an amazing business 2 years ago and have never looked back. The world that I have been introduced to has by far topped what I ever thought was possible

I’m not saying that it was an easy journey. However, I am saying that if you set your goals and believe that it can happen and you are worthy, then it becomes fun.

With so many things to offer and share I took the time to put my journey in one spot. Spreading the opportunity and or product that might help enhance someone’s life, is an award in itself.

Feburary 2021

February was the beginning of a new journey and direction for my business. I was gifted a ticket to the Velovita Launch party in Fort Lauderdale Florida. The elation I felt when Rory Ricord Skyped me and told me I had been chosen for the ticket.

This invite was the week before the event and I had no clue how I was going, I just accepted and went on faith that I would be able to get there and pay for a hotel room on such notice.

Thanks to my mother knowing how important this would be for our business, she helped me pay for the flight and I covered the rest.

The most important part of this story is my understanding of what a Network Marketer is and what they do has begun.

See The Fun I am Having

Received an Award

To see my YouTube Channel click on this link. Information about the Velovita Products is there As well As my Wine Ambassador Wine unboxings for every month.

Below will be a link to see photos from my Fabulous trip that my husband and I took on Sept Labor Day weekend to our wine vineyards. I was able to taste the most magnificent grapes with so much robust flavor. I can’t wait to get it in my shipments. See the Photo Album Here.

A whole week after that we went to the convention for my other business Velovita. It was called XLR8 and it was so amazing. Not to mention I got to meet people in person that I have been seeing every day for a couple of years. That in itself was amazing. The vibe in the room could not be compared to anything I have ever experienced. It was electrifying. To see the Album Go here


This year has been more learning and building towards the next phase of my business. We have So many more products to offer. Amazingly they are manufactured here in the United States. With the holidays coming we are guaranteed to have them in stock if you are ordering now. I have everything from A to just about Z.

I am so amazed at the direction that this adventure would take me. With my future looking so bright and the thought of time freedom, I can’t see anything else. Not to mention that reducing debt and being able to pay a couple of bills so soon in my build has been incredible.

There are multiple reasons why I’m inspired to do this business. My Why is simple as wanting to share a different way of thinking as well as a unique life with the masses.

Listen I am always looking for business partners who want to do the work and build with me. All of the excuses as to why you can’t get out of your own way must be gone. We will teach you everything you need to build a foundation that you can see grow. A notable mention, there is an incentive program that is being offered quarterly that you are going to want to be a part of.

Come and Join Us

I hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to change you and your family’s life for the better. In conclusion, the system gets better every day, month, and year.

Fill out the form below to hear more information and get started.

Marketing Is Freedom
A Solution to Financial Freedom

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Email Marketing System

Another key point that I have to mention is, everyones results are not the same. However, It is important to realize that your results are based on your efforts and how bad you want a Time Freedom Solution.

Holiday Shopping for Everyone

Holiday shopping for everyone starts here. It is that time of year again. COVID19 has changed how we move in our country.

Shopping in the mall now takes forever because there is a line outside of the stores now. The wait time is annoying.

However, I have a solution to that. Stay here and find something for everyone without leaving the comfort of your own home.

Children First

200x200 mobile size Creativity Banner

Believe it or not, if you sit your child down with crayons their creative side will surface. The satisfaction the children get from ownership is overwhelming to watch. The feeling of accomplishment no doubt propels them in future endeavors. Ok, anyway, The Crayola company has amazing deals to choose from this year.

Popular in 2021

Crayola offers an array of products to help with awakening those creative juices that are waiting to surface. For a limited time, they are offering 10% off of your first-time purchase. To check out the deals follow this link.

  • In addition to Crayola, there are a number of exciting toys that are all the rave for 2021. Now is the time to start, the most popular toy will fly off the shelves quickly.

Just to name a few toys, but believe me, there are a lot more where this came from. Amazon can be accessed from here and all of the toys will be at your fingertips.

Young Adult Cologne and Perfume


The preteen or teenager has now become worried about hygiene all of a sudden. My teenagers are asking for the latest cologne or perfume. I found this company that has the latest and greatest, at excellent prices. I tried to research using most department stores and the prices they are asking for is highway robbery. This company is perfect. Enjoy the 15% off for a first-time purchase. In addition, this company also offers kids cologne.

Not only do the preteens worry about hygiene, they also want the most popular fashion styles out. I found a couple of places that cater to the new-age style of clothing. As a matter of fact some of the styles I would wear myself.

Give the Gift of Wine an Adult Favorite

Become a part of the best wine of the month club. You can give a number of ways with this company. Order bottles, keep some and give some away. You can never go wrong with giving a bottle of wine.

40% of the adult population drink wine. Wine is considered a popular social drink. Here you will find the best fine wines directly from Napa Valley as well as Sonoma Valley, California.

The Ricord Merlot

Give the gift of wine, There are a couple of options you can pursue when you gift a bottle of wine to someone. Go here to learn more.

There are a lot of gifts that you buy thinking I wonder if that person is going to use it or will it be re-gifted. I guarantee this membership will be one of those gifts that will have them coming back for more. Especially after they taste the Ricord Merlot. wanting to order more having it delivered to your door.

Women and Mens Clothing

I have available a couple of clothing stores that will satisfy your shopping fever. I know that society has taken a turn from a size 1 to larger sizes. Most companies do not cater to the plus-size individual. Don’t worry there are a lot of up-to-date styles and not that material or pattern that looks like a curtain.

At first glance, I thought that the styles were for teenagers or the 20 somethings. Nope, these styles are for everyone and very trendy. Not only do they have smaller sizes they also included more plus-size grown and sexy styles.

There is also a store that I use for my daughter/teenagers’ clothes that has the trendiest styles for this year. There are plus sizes available at this store as well.

Video Games

Look, if you have a teenager or a pre-teen, video games are all they are into. They don’t care about clothes in the grand scheme of things. What they really care about is playing video games. There is a company where you can earn Cryptocurrency while playing video games. So while your kid or kids are playing video games, you will be able to earn and recoup some of your money. This will be the gift of a lifetime for anyone who likes to play. In today’s time, it is imperative that we teach our kids how to earn and have fun while doing so.

Give the Gift of Health

This is a gift maybe you should be giving to yourself. It will help lift the brain fog as well as get you focused and moving with purpose.

This will take the place of those awful energy drinks with the crazy side effects. There will be no palpitations, jitters, or crashes. We call it Brain. It is a product that is new and is here to stay. These products offer so many benefits that will have you questioning how you made it all of these years.

In addition to lifting the brain fog, there is another phenomenal breakthrough for biohacking called Zleem. This scientific discovery has helped so many people across the globe regain a quality of life.

Another gift from the health and fitness department is called UUTH. This liquid Collagen is more effective than any other brand out there on the market. Backed by scientific data the facts are undesputable.

Take look inside and learn what this is all about. Your family and friends will thank you forever for the gift of energy and clarity.

Rejuvenate and Regenerate

Rejuvenate and Regenerate

Rejuvenate and regenerate is what we need to do when we get older. The key components that keep us young have dissipated.

As we get older our skin dry’s out, our energy level is low, along with our hair and nails stop growing. When I was coming up the fountain of youth was a topic of conversation. By me being so young it seemed to be a bunch of talk from old folk….Fast-forward to today and let me tell you I unapologetically understand the struggle.

I’m watching all of these informercials offering renewed energy in a pill, laser surgery to remove the fat and not to mention all of the weight loss products being pushed. Anymore the all natural solution is not being advertised as much because there is no money in it.


But wait, what about Collagen? It is all natural and designed to nourish our bodies on a cellular level. It is plays a big roll in strengthening the skin as well as providing elasticity and hydration. Without this protection when we get older our skin is dry and it leads to the formation of wrinkles. Not to mention hair loss and brittle nails.

Collagen helps with weight loss and the side effects of losing weight. This substance makes sure that your body maintains its integrity of your skin after losing those inches and pounds.

Biohack the Aging Process

I’m going to introduce you to this groundbreaking product that allows you to rejuvenate and regenerate as if you were young again.

Be prepared to have your mind blown after starting this product. You will begin to feel the difference almost instantly.

This is a groundbreaking invention that will began to Biohack your body immediately after consumption.

Look for skin that glows, hair and nails growing as if you were in highschool again. This will reverse the aging process and help you maintain a healthy life as well as lifestyle. You will all of a sudden feel energetic and wanting to exercise. However, if you are a junk food eater, I am more than sure after you feel the difference in your body eating properly will become a thing.

If you are going to try out the product email me at with a subject line (coupon). This code is for 25% off your vfill order and is valid for 24hrs.

Jump on board with the other thousands 35 and over and reverse the way you age. Also we offer a payment plan sponsored by SEZZLE. This allows our products to be affordable for everyone. This company also has other biohacking products that help with sleep and weight loss.

Youth All over again

Youth All over again you say? Yes, Youth. What if I told you that I have found the formula for hair, nail, and skin repair?

Biohacking your body with this magnificent formula will result in a healthier feeling and looking you.

Why Collagen

Healthy Skin, Hair and nails

Collagen is viewed as glue in our bodies. It is naturally produced to support healthy hair, nails, skin, and joints. This is where our bones, connective tissues, ligaments as well as tendons get their strength and structure.

Another vital function Collagen plays in our body is that it relaxes the blood vessels to help better blood flow to promote better circulation.

However, just like with everything new as we get older we create less collagen and most importantly should be making it a part of our daily diet.

With the regular consumption of collagen peptides, there will be visible signs of the reduction of dryness and aging of the skin. a notable mention, Increasing collagen intake has been shown to increase elasticity and hydration.

What sets this product apart from the others? This product not only addresses one part of the aging process, moreover it includes your body holistically and aid in keeping you looking and feeling your best self for ages to come.

There is a recent 8-week study that concluded that women who consume collage peptides saw a 91% increase in their skin’s hydration.

~Journal of Drugs in Dermatology Original Article, January 2020


What Benefits Are There

This product has daily doses that are life-enhancing. It starts at the cellular level which in turn helps you look and feel younger.

Looking younger includes:

  • Hydrated skin
  • Strong healthy nails
  • Healthier feeling hair
  • Increased Libido
  • last but not least a more youthful appearance

Feeling younger includes

  • More energy and noticeable stamina
  • powerful immune system
  • Antioxidant Protection
  • As well as a Overall feeling of wellness


  • Aronia Berries

Rich in antioxidants more so than other fruits. It is also Rich in fiber and Vitamin C.

  • Biotin Pure

This is known as vit. B-7 which helps metabolize carbohydrates as well as amino acids. The other function it has is to help break down fat in our bodies to create the necessary energy that our bodies need.

  • Collagen Peptides

these amino acids are easier for our body to use because they are smaller in size which in turn allows them to be utilized more efficiently and promote cell growth.

  • 57 Nitric Oxide

This ingredient is plant-based and as we get older the production is decreased. This is used to help promote better circulation.

  • NMN

Nicotinamide Mononucleotide promotes vascular which, in turn, improves muscle tone and strength. This ingredient can enhance the maintenance of DNA repair along with increasing mitochondrial functions.

  • Rosa Roxburghii

This is also plant-based used as a Chinese Medicine called “Long Life CiLi” also known as a skin soother.

  • SODs

This ingredient has anti=aging as well as antioxidant properties. This chemical reduces free radical damage to the skin. Moreover, it helps prevents wrinkle, age spots as well as fine lines. Not to mention that it also helps with wound care, makes scar tissue softer.

Not only do you get a chance to biohack your body and return the youthful, there are also other biohacking products that help you focus as well as lose weight while you sleep and are all natural as well.

For 5 seconds a day experience Hair growth naturally
learn more

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Completing this form confirms you wish to receive email communications. You can securely opt-out at any time. I agree to give rochelle triggs permission to send me future emails. I understand I can opt-out at any time in the future.

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Email Marketing System

How to Grow Natural Curly Hair

How to grow natural curly hair can be achieved with a Supreme Wash Day Kit. The maintenance system that I have found has made a difference in the texture and manageability of my Type 4B hair. The Wash day is no longer a chore.

Hair Types for Women of Color

When determining the right hair type for your hair take into account several factors that are used to consider. The three main ones are curly, straight, and wavy. The other factors to decode will be the texture, density, porosity along with the moisture retention capacity of the coil.

A notable mention, when you are looking for the best products to keep your hair healthy and moisturized those things mentioned about has to be taken into account.

There are 4 types of hair

Before getting started with the search, learn the category that your grade of hair falls under.

  • Type 1 hair is characterized as straight hair with no natural curls
  • With type 2 hair you will see wavy hair with no full curls and are characterized by bumps and waves.
  • Type 3 looks curly and has an “S” shaped curl pattern
  • Type 4 feels more coarse in texture and has a “Z” shaped patter

Types of Hair Textures for Black Women

More importantly, now is time to find out what your hair texture is. For African American women our grade is usually kinky, so we are graded as a type 4.

4A Hair Type

4A type hair is easily identifiable with its S-shaped curl pattern with spirals and has a fine or wiry texture. This type also tends to break easily because of low cuticle layers.

When looking for products to maintain this time hair, you should look for products with moisture retention such as 100% Virgin Coconut Oil along with shampoos containing Jojoba oil. It is also recommended that wash-and-go hairstyles should be utilized with curling creams, butter, and leave-in-moisturizers.

4B Hair Type

This hair type is tightly coiled and has a Z-shaped pattern. Instead of the hair strand forming a curve it has sharp bends. The texture can be fine or coarse and the curl pattern is not easily noticeable. Hair strands can be tightly coiled and densely packed.

The hair is drier than the other African American hair types and also breaks a lot easier. The shrinkage noted is 70% of its true length which makes the hair look shorter than it is.

To maintain this curl type you must use heat when you are going to do a deep condition. The reason being is on low porosity strands of hair the products sit on top of the hair because it is wound up too tight.

The heat lifts the hair cuticles and opens up space for product absorption. The most effective moisturizer should have a water-based leave-in conditioner as well as a formulation for focusing on hydration. Look for ingredients like aloe vera, Cetearyl alcohol, honey, panthenol.

The last step for this hair type is moisture and seal. Find an oil-based cream product that creates a barrier to protect the leave-in-conditioner. Also, for the last step use gels that have plant-based ingredients like flaxseeds, ginger, aloe vera, and okra and avoid tension to lessen the breakage.

4C hair type

This type of hair is more tightly coiled than 4B type hair. There is no curl pattern and tends to be more fragile. The length shrinks to 75% when not stretched out. However, the 4B style mimics this as well and the only thing that separates them is that 4C has tightly packed strands.

To prevent damage this hair type requires a lot of care. I.E. protective hairstyles.

What Products To Use for 4b type hair

Regardless of what your hair type is moisture is the key.

Hair Care for 4c Hair Types

Like 4b hair, a 4c hair type needs a healthy helping of moisture to stay healthy and tangle-free. 

Maintenance System that is Affordable

With this company, I have found it offers a wash day kit that will help maintain all types of hair. The products in the Joiful Bee kit include:

  • Continuous Spray Bottle The bottle is designed to moisture your hair quickly. Most spray bottles you have to pump a million types to get the desired effect.
  • Scalp Messaging Shampoo Brush– For whatever shampoo products that you decide to use, this brush stimulates the base of your scalp allowing the shampoo to clean and stimulate new growth. It will have you feeling like you just left the washbowl at your favorite hair salon.
  • Honeycomb Detangling Brush – There is a technique to use this brush. It bends, stretches and twist while you are detangling. So, part your hair in sections. To detangle use the brush in a vertical motion, but to define your curls brush in a horizontal motion.
  • Microwaveable Deep Condition Cap This is the million dollar step. This will moisturize and soften your curls, the cap is made from flaxseeds. After you have microwaved place this cap on top of a plastic cap for deep heat conditioning.
  • Microfiber Towel Turban – last but not least the towel. You will be amazed that a towel makes a difference in the care of your hair. Regular cotton towels pull the ends of the hair and cause breakage (split ends) and slows the growth of your hair. In contrast to that, the microfiber towel hugs the curls instead of destroying them.

New beginnings

We all know that where change is there are new beginnings. We as we women can empower ourselves by providing self-care in every aspect of the world. This Wash day kit is just one of the ways to start. Providing love to ourselves boosts our self-esteem and confidence because after all we are vain.

Making a change on the inside of your body for a healthier you is called “BIOHACKING“. I have a proven product that will do just that. I’m using it my family is using it and we love it. This is a system that provides an overall healthy change to your body without the medicine and chemicals used by major pharmaceutical companies. All-natural products are used to achieve the change.

In addition to the biohacking solution above there is also another solution for those who want to loose weight. This system is proven because I talked it and walked it.

Holiday Shopping for Everyone

Holiday shopping for everyone starts here. It is that time of year again. COVID19 has changed how we move in our country.

Shopping in the mall now is tough because there is a fear of contracting an unwanted virus. And the hassle of limited supplies in the stores now. Not including that it is more convenient.

However, I have a solution to that. Stay here and find something for everyone without leaving the comfort of your own home.

Children First

200x200 mobile size Creativity Banner

Believe it or not, if you sit your child down with crayons their creative side will surface. The satisfaction the children get from ownership is overwhelming to watch. The feeling of accomplishment no doubt propels them in future endeavors. Ok, anyway, The Crayola company has amazing deals to choose from this year. Have them put down the video games for 30min.

Crayola offers an array of products to help with awakening those creative juices that are waiting to surface. For a limited time, they are offering 10% off of your first-time purchase. To check out the deals follow this link.

  • In addition to Crayola, there are a number of exciting toys that are all the rave for 2022. Now is the time to start, the most popular toy will fly off the shelves quickly.

Just to name a few toys, but believe me, there are a lot more where this came from. Amazon can be accessed from here and all of the toys will be at your fingertips.

Young Adult Cologne and Perfume

The preteen or teenager has now become worried about hygiene all of a sudden. My teenagers are asking for the latest cologne or perfume. I found this company that has the latest and greatest, at excellent prices. I tried to research using most department stores and the prices they are asking for is highway robbery. This company is perfect. Enjoy the 15% off for a first-time purchase. In addition, this company also offers kids cologne.

Not only do the preteens worry about hygiene, but they also want the most popular fashion styles out. I found a couple of places that cater to the new-age style of clothing. As a matter of fact some of the styles I would wear myself.

Give the Gift of Wine an Adult Favorite

Become a part of the best wine of the month club. You can give a number of ways with this company. Order bottles, keep some and give some away. You can never go wrong with giving a bottle of wine.

40% of the adult population drink wine. Wine is considered a popular social drink. Here you will find the best fine wines directly from Napa Valley as well as Sonoma Valley, California.

The Ricord Merlot

Give the gift of wine, There are a couple of options you can pursue when you gift a bottle of wine to someone. Go here to learn more.

There are a lot of gifts that you buy thinking I wonder if that person is going to use it or will it be re-gifted. I guarantee this membership will be one of those gifts that will have them coming back for more. Especially after they taste the Ricord Merlot. wanting to order more having it delivered to your door.

Women and Mens Clothing

I have available a couple of clothing stores that will satisfy your shopping fever. I know that society has taken a turn from a size 1 to larger sizes. Most companies do not cater to the plus-size individual. Don’t worry there are a lot of up-to-date styles and not that material or pattern that looks like a curtain.

At first glance, I thought that the styles were for teenagers or the 20-somethings. Nope, these styles are for everyone and very trendy. Not only do they have smaller sizes they also included more plus-size grown and sexy styles.

There is also a store that I use for my daughter/teenagers’ clothes that has the trendiest styles for this year. There are plus sizes available at this store as well.

Video Games

Look, if you have a teenager or a pre-teen, video games are all they are into. They don’t care about clothes in the grand scheme of things. So to make it easy for you I found what is popular, because of course I have teenagers. Sharing what I found is what makes the search fun.

Give the Gift of Health

This is a gift maybe you should be giving to yourself. It will help lift the brain fog as well as get you focused and moving with purpose.

This will take the place of those awful energy drinks with the crazy side effects. There will be no palpitations, jitters, or crashes. We call it Brain. It is a product that is new and is here to stay. These products offer so many benefits that will have you questioning how you made it all of these years.

In addition to lifting the brain fog, there is another phenomenal breakthrough for biohacking called Zleem. This scientific discovery has helped so many people across the globe regain a quality of life.

Another gift from the health and fitness department is called UUTH. This liquid Collagen is more effective than any other brand out there on the market. Backed by scientific data the facts are undesputable.

Take look inside and learn what this is all about. Your family and friends will thank you forever for the gift of energy and clarity.

Keep time with your health.

Listen, keeping up with your health should be your number one priority. Preventative health care is cheaper in the long run. Being able to monitor your most important vitals without entering a doctor’s office can be done.

What if I told you that you could monitor your

  • Blood Pressure
  • Heart Rate
  • Temperature
  • Oxygen Level
  • Circulation
  • EKG
  • Stress level
  • Energy level

And so much more.

In addition to monitoring your most important daily vitals, you can also earn cryptocurrency while doing so. Your information is valuable and safe. Read more here about this phenomenal gift for you and a loved one.

COVID19 A Humbling Journey

This article COVID19 A Humbling Journey was inspired by my experience with this horrible disease and no clue where I might have gotten from.

The Beginning

I am an RN living in Arizona and have 5 biological children and 1 beautiful stepson. My life is just like the next family.

Reason for Fighting

When Covid came out, all I can remember is the panic and fear that was instilled in us about the virus.

As usual, the news media was showing us all of the people dying in China. Of course, our president is saying that we will not be affected here in the United States. (which we all know that was a lie, just like other lies that were told).

Moving Along

Fast forward to March, New York was hit hard with the virus, spreading like wildfire as the rest of the country watches in horror. The CDC had no clue how it spread so fast. The medical community undoubtedly could not figure out how to treat it, so that all of these people wouldn’t die. That in itself started a frenzy around the rest of the country.

The Shutdown

Then as time went on the rest of the country was hard hit with the disease. We were told that we have to shut down the cities in order to quarantine. People started working from home, Kids were being home schooled and it slowed people down tremendously.

In some ways that was the best thing that happened to families. Society moved so fast that we forgot what family and love were about.

Parents were able to reconnect with their children, spouses had time to work out differences and listen to one another. Because after all what else was there to do, Everything was closed except the essential places.

Learning More

As the CDC started to learn more about this disease we were told to wear masks, social distance, wash your hands, cover your cough, and sneeze.

Some people even decided that they were not going to comply because their rights are being infringed on despite the fact that, that would be the right thing to do for humanity. (Go figure)

To top it off we have a leadership that is not taking this pandemic seriously and shortening the curve. Politics are being intertwined in what is really the right thing for this country. He’s not supporting the wearing of mask, which is causing faster spread. (My personal opinion)

Despite the imminent danger to society the decision to open back up to save the economy was made. I know that I am leaving out the stimulus checks and an increase in unemployment pay. (That is another topic of discussion)

In the meantime, the death toll and infection rates are increasing and the country where all of this started is decreasing, because of guess why? they are practicing social distancing, wearing masks, and has limited movement.

Back to Business

So the economy opened back up. The hospital census was low. Elective surgeries were put on hold and people using the emergency room as their primary care doctor came to a halt.

The position I held as an RN was float pool and most of us were unaware that our position was at the bottom of the labor pool, so there were no hours for us.

A good friend called and offered me a job where she works and then at that orientation, I found another job. I was very blessed.

I thought that being in the thick of everything and possibly bring COVID back to my family would be devastating. (so I thought.)

My Personal Journey

On Monday July 06, I woke up with a terrible headache. I had to work that night, so I fiddled around the house and went back to sleep so that maybe it would go away and going to work wouldn’t be so bad.

At work, I felt really bad. My insurance offered telemed, so I did that to get antibiotics thinking my tooth was infected. The medication allowed one good day of feeling good, but I worked the rest of the week.

That Saturday morning after work I was starting to feel like I had the bad flu. Later that afternoon I took NYQUIL and slept for 2 days.

Monday, July 13th I decided to go get tested. I was told 5-10 business days before the results are back. About 3 o’clock in the morning I stared to have chest pain thinking I was having a heart attack. I laid there and just tried to rest. All the while I’m thinking the worst.

I wake up the next morning still feeling horrible. Right before noon, I tell my son that he is going to have to drop me off at the emergency room as the chest pain started to come back.

COVID19 A Journey

On the way to the hospital, I get a call that my COVID test was positive. You can only imagine the horror I felt, and not hardly being able to move because I was so ill.

When I get to the ER my blood pressure spiked so high I could feel the pressure in my head. At that point I did not have a runny nose or stuffy nose, but I could feel the congestion building up behind my eyes with an occasional cough.

The Results

Reason for fighting

My blood work came back showing that there might be some clotting going on. I was terrified, because I understood what all of that means. A CT angio was performed and while I was waiting for the results all of the worst scenarios start to manifest. Luckily the results came back negative and I can go home and recover the best I can.

Being Home

This is a real quarantine from the entire family. I am in my room with the door closed and feeling like I’m going to die. All I could think about is if I die who will take care of my children, they need me.

The hot and cold flashes, nausea, horrible headaches, fevers that won’t go away. the occasional cough was what I was experiencing the first 5 days. I could hardly get out of bed or feed myself.

My Support Team

My support team was my husband and 17 yr old son. They made sure I had water and food and took my meds when needed.

Reason For Fighting

My long-distance support was my mother, 19 yr old daughter, and my brother who is studying to be a Nurse Practitioner and able to tell me all about the latest developments and what I should be doing to help my situation. Also, a great sister-in-law that blessed us with groceries and snacks for the kids. The thing that made me smile the most was seeing videos of my grandson and son while they play around.

My meds consisted of Tylenol, Mucinex, Vit C, Zinc, Magnesium, Fish oil, aspirin, Brain by VELOVITA and a whole host of other vitamins I can’t remember at this time.

Fast forward to that Saturday I started to see a light at the end of the tunnel and I started to feel somewhat human again.

My Best Friend

My amazing husband scheduled for an IV infusion company to come in and give me an IV full of fluids and a big dose of vitamins.

Sunday was a setback. My fever came back along with a headache and the feeling of malaise. I was so discouraged. The thought of this being over seemed so far away.

I slept most of that day and around Wednesday is when I can say I started to feel normal. The thing that really sucked tho was although I felt better I still could not interact with my family like I wanted to.


Everyday before bed I would pray that the next day will be better. I was scheduled to retest until Monday of the following week.

Each and every moment for me was spent in prayer, more so than I had done in the past. The prayer was for other people as well as thanking him for sparing me.

Monday July, 27th is when I retested. I held two jobs, so one of them I could go back as long as I was symptom-free for 72hrs. However, the other one required me to have a negative test. I was symptom-free and went back to work the next day.

Wednesday, July 29th is when I found out I was COVID negative. I felt like at that moment, I got a second chance to figure out my purpose.

Like I said previously I left the hospital setting and ventured into mental health and substance abuse. I am finding out that this population of people needs a caring soul and I do believe that this is where I’m supposed to be.

Healthier Lifestyle

Prior to this COVID scare, I didn’t eat horribly bad, but I also did not take care of my immune system effectively. Being a nurse you would think I would know better.

Now my vitamin regiment consists of Vit C, Zinc, and a whole host of other vitamins specifically made for me through this company called Care/of. If you are considering researching this company use this code RT683R for a discount.

Another supplement that I use is called UUTH Not only is it designed to boost your immunity it also gives you a kick start. The UUth and Brain mentioned previously is used on a daily basis. Its purpose is to support your immunity, decrease inflammation throughout your body. all the while supporting joint health. I do believe this is why my recovery was successful.

This journey has been so humbling and being able to hug my kids and my husband again has been a blessing and will never be taken for granted.

Brother and Sister-in law
My Mother
Long distance support

Healthy Living a Sought After Lifestyle

Healthy living is a sought after lifestyle. The world today is moving so fast that we are undoubtedly used to driving through someplace and getting a meal. We all know how unhealthy that can be. Dr. Kellyann has beat all of the odds and has definitely come up with a healthier and convenient option as well as tasty recipes.

Who is Dr. Kellyann

Dr. Kellyann
Healthy Living a Sought After Lifestyle

Dr. Kellyann Petrucci is a New York Times bestselling author that has helped thousands of lives across the world. Her main focus is bone health, collagen health as well as creating a lifestyle that stops and reverses inflammation. The two helps slow aging and heals the gut. She also studied biological medicine at the Marion Foundation and Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland.

Her accomplishments have helped patients and readers to reduce dangerous belly fat to become healthier, slimmer, and younger. With the main philosophy being to treat the whole person and not just the symptoms that they are experiencing. Her beliefs are that once a person reaches maximum cellular health (Clean Cells) it will create a foundation for a strong mind along with a sexy and healthy body.

To get to know her you can see a couple of her interviews on Good day LA the subject being BOOSTING IMMUNE. Fox 2 Detroit FIGHTING COVID19. Good Morning America CLEANSE AND RESET.

What she has to offer for A Healthy Lifestyle

There are several topics that she covers

  • Bone health
  • Weight loss
  • Vegan lifestyle
  • Also desserts to soothe the palate
  • Intermittent fasting
  • Boost immunity
  • Grown American superfood
  • Easy and quick recipes to follow

These topics are very important in obtaining a healthy lifestyle. The hardest thing to do is get started. This lady without delay will get you on the right track.

A Quick Recipe To Add To A Healthy Lifestyle

Black Cherry Almond Shake

The premise behind this recipe is to promote a healthy gut system by using easy to consume foods such as chicory root and taking prebiotics.

To curve the awful taste of the chicory root it is blended with several other products such as one of her Collagen Shakes.


  • 1 to 2 drops natural almond extract
  • ½ cup frozen black cherries
  • 1 cup water, unsweetened coconut milk, or unsweetened almond milk
  • A packet of Collagen Shake in Vanilla Almond
  • 2 tablespoons coconut cream or ¼ cup full-fat coconut milk
  • Blend with ice or mix with ice in a shaker.


As a matter of fact this is going to be one of the easiest recipes you every put together

  1. Pour liquid into the blender first, and then add all other ingredients.
  2. Blend well.
  3. Optionally, top with a few frozen cherries.

And there you have it the first step to a healthier living lifestyle.

For more information about a healthy lifestyle, you can also go here.

If you have questions or wanted to know more about Collagen as well as biohacking your body without having to mix products. Check out this information.