Health Monitoring Cell Phone Case

What if I told you that there is a Portable Health Monitoring Cell Phone Case that can help you advocate for your health care. See a phenomenal device that is simple to use and will help you keep accurate medical records.

With a multitude of features, it has the capability of monitoring all ages. It can literally save your life.

Picture having a loved one or even yourself that has a medical condition and having to take medication that affects your well-being. Almost always the information that is given to the doctor is not accurate.

You Need This

On this device, the information that is recorded can help the Doctor give the best possible care.

The Smartphone case is the new vitals machine but used in the comforts of your own home. Undoubtedly this has the ability to make your doctor’s visits much more informative.

Your body has mechanisms that sometimes don’t function properly and when that happens the proper monitoring at the time of the injury is important. All too often you feel something is off, but blow it off because you don’t feel like going to the Doctor.

Well, this will eliminate all of the guesswork. The mobile vital monitoring device is the next best thing technology has given us.

What Does This Hand Held Device Measure and Monitor

  • Breathing Rate (BR)
  • BR Variability (BRV)
  • Heart Rate (HR)
  • HR Variability (HRV)
  • Blood Pressure
  • Temperature
  • Blood Oxygen (Spo2)
  • Electro Cardio Gram (ECG/EKG)

How Does this Device Work?

Check out the technology that is going to provide a quality of life even for the person with a sedentary lifestyle.

Monitoring your vitals on a daily basis will encourage you to be active. With the measuring capability, you will be able to track your progress and watch the progression.

Biohack your body and change the way you feel
Smartphone Case for Monitoring

First, this Sleek Looking Smartphone Case with the technology to monitor your vitals is the start. Second, The technology that I have available is in addition to healthy living and weight loss. Look at how to biohack your body

Although, people view this as just a vital monitoring device it also says a lot more about you. It says that you are part of the forward-thinking crowd. You care about your health and have empowered yourself to be in control.

This is not Science Fiction it is VMED

This technology is in our reality. Attach this simple case around your Smart phone and then download a FREE application to be used to send your vital sign measurements to your doctor.

This is the perfect lifesaver for people who are sickly, elderly as well as healthy and want to monitor their progression with their workout regimen.

On top of what this happens to offer by way of health, see what Science has given us for “Brain Clarity” and to remove that “Brain Fog” that comes with age, as well as having children.