All Things Internet

All things Internet is part of the worlds growing technology. The term IOT means just that. Everything that has a WiFi connection will be connected.

What is IOT?

This concept is designed to connect any device to the internet and other devices as long as it has an off and on switch. However, if you didn’t want the device connected it doesn’t have to be. Devices range from a smart microwave, self driving car or even your Smart TV.

How does it Work?

Image result for The internet of things
The Internet

Most devices and objects that are designed into today’s world have sensors installed in them. Eventually, these sensors will connect to a Internet of Things platform. While it is connected the IOT collects data to analyze. For instance, the fit bit that you wear throughout the day records steps and your heart rate. The IOT will gather that information and send you a work out regimen based on the information it has gathered.

Other Examples

Picture this. Your alarm wakes you up in the morning. when the alarm sounds and you hit dismiss the alarm clock sends a signal to the coffee maker to start making your coffee.

Or, you are driving to work and the check engine light comes on. The sensor gathers the information and sends a signal to the people in the car. After the data is collected it is then sent to the dealership. The dealership uses that information to reach out to you to get the problem fixed. They will let you know the nearest shop, make the appointment for you. When you arrive the part is already there and your wait will be cut short. The Internet Of Things

The world today is technology driven. The new technology is designed to streamline our lives to make things easier. The average house hold is busy with life happenings and there is not enough time in the day. However, if you had a IOT platform it would almost be like having a personal assistant to do some of your leg work. The thought of being able to spend more time with your family is I believe what most people are longing for.

Look for this INTERNET OF THINGS to encompass the television market, cell phone connections as well as Music. The upside to this idea is if you do not want to connect you don’t have to. I really can’t think of the downside, because with all of the functions it can perform, it appears to be more useful than not.

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