Learn How to Vertical Jump

learn how to vertical jump like a NBA or WBNA star. Most athletes need coaching on how to elevate their body.  Therefore technique is what helps your game get to the next level.


My daughter is 5 foot 3. She has been playing basketball for the majority of her young life. At the age of 5 she was playing with boys and did not stop playing on a team with them until she went to high school.  Watching her play was the most fun times that I have had with her. Her amazing ablity to get tall even tho she was not had me in total awe. Her ability to play like she was 5 foot 11 caught just about everyone that was watching her off guard, including the other players.

Vertical Jump Is Obtainable.

I was asking around one day about getting some coaching for my daughter. She felt like there was improvement that could be made.  One of the parents told me about this guy that put out training videos to help with getting more vertical.  Although, I was skeptical  because of the many scams out there.  I looked for this guy by the name of Adam Folker.

What I found was worth looking into to. His program looked to be very user friendly as well as obtainable.  This was is not your ordinary run of the mill training video. The science that is used is a RUSSIAN TRAINING REGIMEN.

Vertical Jumping With Strength

The method includes strengthening your elastic fibers. These fibers are in your muscle tissue in your legs and consequently acts as rubber bands. Stronger elastic fibers equal more tension which equals a higher vertical.

This is where the training videos come into play. You are taught special exercises that put emphasis on building those fibers as a result that means there a lot of no mores.

  • No more feeling like you don’t have enough power out on the court
  • stretching your shoulders out of their sockets when swiping the net
  • Due to not being afraid you will be attacking the rim in games and practices
  • and lastly no more sitting the bench

Investing in your kids is the most valuable thing that we as parents can give our kids. Consequently, when you take the time out to improve your child’s life, the reward is like no other.

The best thing that you could teach your child is overall health. For more information go here.