Top 10 Best Ways to Lose Weight

So over time, I had been searching for weight loss solutions. I have collected the top 10 best ways to lose weight.

As most people get older they tend to get less active. With the decrease of activity comes the slowing of our metabolism, which causes weight gain.

There are a dozen of weight loss remedies on the market that are placebos. The promise of losing weight without exercise or changing your diet is not a thing. Let’s begin.


The easiest way to lose weight has made number 10 and that is eating smaller portions. When you eat smaller portions more frequently it jump-starts your metabolism.


The next easiest way is to choose better food options. Although you are going to eat a smaller portion it is always good practice to incorporate fruits and vegetables with colors. Green Fruits and Vegetables Boost the Immune System while restoring energy and vitality as well as detoxifying the body.

Blue and Purple Fruits and Vegetables get rid of unwanted inflammation, fight cancer along with Help Keeping You Young.

White and Brown Fruits and Vegetables help keep bones strong and also have some properties that Protect Against Certain Cancers, and moreover are A Heart-Healthy Choice.


Another easy way to lose weight is to chew your food more slowly. This allows your digestive system to work more effectively, the craving for more food decreases as well as not stretching your stomach.


Surprisingly building muscle is one of the most popular ways to lose weight. The process of muscle building (working out) burns calories which in turn burns fat. When that happens you actually burn fat while you are sleeping.


Ride to work if you can. This is good for your cardiovascular system not to mention the calories that you will burn. Another caveat to that is the fresh air and sun is good for your overall well-being.


How about keeping a food diary. This allows you to be aware of the food groups that you are eating as well as allowing you to control for intake of the bad stuff.


Another popular way to burn calories and lose fat is interval training. That means that you mix up the speeds when you are running. run fast for a period, slow it down and rest and start it over again. This works your heart a little harder and burns burn burns.


In addition to interval training, there are other aerobic exercises that can be incorporated. Squats, arm lifts, and leg lift in reps of 10 done in fast succession.


So if you are a snacker instead of eating potato chips and cupcakes, choose a healthier option. Such as carrots, celery as well as cheese.


Last but not least BIOHACKING. Biohacking is a form of changing your body’s biology to a healthier state. As we age we lose the necessary properties for our liver to fully function as well as collagen and sleep. To replace all of those elements is as easy as a 5 second snap everyday. What if I was to tell you that if you add this biohacking product to your regimine, the results will be amazing. This is a 90 day program that will yield results.