Traveling can change your life

Traveling can change your life surprisingly. People are stuck in their day-to-day lives and they do not realize that there are many experiences to be had. In essence, they are living in a box. 

My husband and I have been planning to buy an RV. Our retirement plan is to travel the country at our leisure. As a matter of fact, anyone who wants to get out of this rat race should consider exploring this vast countryside.

Life Cycle

Society states that we have to buy a house, work nine to five. We have children, pets. We are working so hard to maintain all of those things. Consequently, we are missing the other pleasures in life.

Life’s Pleasures

I know that most people have different definitions of what life’s pleasures mean to them. For the people that have similar ideals, will understand what I’m about to describe.

Think about not having to live based on what other people tell you to do. The alarm clock goes off in the morning telling you to wake up. Your job dictates what time you have to be there as well as what time you can leave.  Your income will decide where you live and also the kind of car you drive.

Wake Up

Now think about this, you wake up one morning and realize that you’re not living your best life. Living my best life to me means: Driving on an open highway with no actual destination.  Working from a computer for my own monetary gain. All the while enjoying every aspect of nature and our country. 

It took me a while to grasp that concept, although in my defense I don’t know anyone personally that has just dropped everything to do something like that. My husband has been whispering in my ear about it for half of our marriage.  So I started watching podcasts and youtube videos from people all over and I am so excited. 

Get Ready

Image result for work at home from a computer

When I say getting ready, that means mentally. This is going to be something that is going to be totally out of your comfort zone. Believe it or not, the mind is conditioned to do what’s easy. What you have to do is unlearn everything you were taught about how you should live your life.  Map out an out date. Find work from home on a computer( your job might let you work remotely). Do your research about life on the road, although this might sound like a lot, I’m a believer that once you learn your craft everything else is cake. 


As my husband researches, it is becoming apparent that knowing about open road life is a must. There are so many rules, however, once you learn the do’s and dont’s it will come together.

There are gidgets and gadgets that are a must-have for survival. Solar-powered electricity stores is practical as well as charging stations for your electronics.